Posts Tagged ‘Woodstock’

[August Update will be a Video Entry!]


[This page has all the diary entries for the Won-Durr Boiz tour in Poland in 2011. Hare Krsna.] (more…)

[Due to lack of writing time these tour diaries will be done in audio.] (more…)

Saturday 6th, August 2011.

We were still at the Woodstock field, in the extra early hours of the morning, waiting for our buses back.  (more…)

Friday 5th, August 2011.

I served breakfast for the VIPs.  The group was smaller now than the previous day’s breakfast.  The devotees were already feeling the heat of the Woodstock yajna.  (more…)

Thursday 4th, August 2011.

I sat with Prakash in the morning, brushing up some slokas before serving the VIP breakfast.  I decided to walk again to the Woodstock field for the first official day of the Woodstock festival.  (more…)

Tuesday 2nd, August 2011.

I woke up feeling fresh.  I spent some time in the morning with Prakash.  It was nice to have another English speaker at base, and even an Aussie, to pass the Woodstock time period with.  Amrtananda Prabhu approached us with a strange inquiry.  “Maddy, can you drive?” he asked.  (more…)

Monday 1st, August 2011.
We slipped into another month, leaving July well behind. Woodstock stared over the horizon and everything was starting to slip into gear for it. (more…)

Saturday 30th, July 2011.

HG Vaiyasaki Prabhu and his wife were the only VIPs that had arrived (HH Indradyumna Swami was fasting so didn’t require much service).  My day was spent on standby, serving them their meals and otherwise engrossing myself in reading and chanting.  (more…)

July was a mad jolt of new experiences.  (more…)