Archive for the ‘(2009-2010) Another Aussie Journey’ Category

[This should make your navigation handy for Another Aussie Journey – 2009 -2010.  Hare Krsna]


Saturday 21st, November 2009.
I awoke after a hellish night. Alarms were going off ALL night and people were walking, talking and shouting. I couldn’t even ascertain the usual bhutafest of Sydney (bhutafest = all night ghost party, characteristic of a place that is haunted) that would sometimes go on. This was a perfect way to start the day of our first night of shows for the tour. Yesterday evening I had been told we would be cooking this morning’s breakfast, but later I had my information updated that the Manipuris were going to do the service. I soon found that the latter was wrong and I had to scramble out of bed, even after that noisy night of restless.


Thursday 19th, November 2009.
I forced myself out of bed. The road works had gone on all night and ensured that the sleeping was pretty light. I was vastly disappointed to find out that I missed the mangala arati milk sweets this morning. I decided to fill the spot by savouring some Krsna Katha with Madhav’.


Wednesday 18th, November 2009.
We awoke. Madhava and I were in our room, reading and talking some pastimes. It was a peaceful way to start the day, therefore I knew it wouldn’t last long. Vara, TP, popped his head in. He told us that there was no cook for the breakfast and asked us if we would like to cook something up for the devotees. We were eager to serve but expressed some inexperience. Vara tried to reassure us that the task was simple by suggesting some simple dishes we could cook. It became quite apparent how inexperienced we were as he explained to us so many dishes that we did not know how to make, let alone how to make them for so many people. In the end he suggested we be assistants to someone more experienced, like one of the twins and so we agreed to this.


Monday 15th, February 2010.
There wasn’t much sleep after the final show of the tour. A small group of us were up before sun rise. Madhava had the idea to see off Maharaja from Sakhi Rai’s house but, in the end, we had to decide against it. We took a drive up the top of a nearby mountain. I gazed out over the countryside and Brisbane city, as we watched the sun appear over the coastline. I looked at the beautiful scene, only corrupted on one side by many large concrete, glass and steal structures. I could see that we still had so much work ahead and that we were setting the foundations for many years to come. The world was beautiful but it was struggling with some less beautiful distractions.


Saturday 13th, February 2010.
Today my alarm clock was Gaura Hari, over the phone. I was systematically being woken up by different calls, which happened to tie up with a perfect waking time in the morning. I was quickly over at Sakhi Rai’s, to drop off a vehicle. I loitered on the couch, talking with Alanath Prabhu and engaging in some solo study. Today was supposed to be a big celebration for Daniele’s birthday. It was also going to be a surprise birthday.


Thursday 11th, February 2010.
We arrived, again, at Sakhi Rai’s for lunch. We found the yogis and Ananda practicing the newly embellished yoga performance. After they were done, the matajis began to practice their new dance steps. Maharaja returned, with a big smile on his dial. He had been shopping for Deity paraphernalia. While he travelled in a humble sannyasa fashion, his Deities travelled with all the glamour of Vaikuntha. This humble mood of service was one of the endless list of Indradyumna Swami’s exemplary qualities.


Wednesday 10th, February 2010.
I drove to Sakhi Rai’s in the middle of the day. We were supposed to be on time and were told that “Maharaja will be waiting for you.” This information was hardly the case when we arrived. We were thinking that we were late but it was some time before we left. We were following Gaura Hari to Redcliff. There was a four car convoy. Gaura and I pretended to race up the freeway and we lost track of the group. We were supposed to be following Niti but we made our own way.


Monday 8th, February 2010.
It was a free day for the tour devotees. I organized to meet Madhava in Indooroopilly shopping centre. I was packed for a night or two on the run. We organized to be picked up, by his father, and we ventured to his house. He lived just in the outskirts of the city, with some trees and some nice greenery. Everything was a little dreamy. A day off on tour was mostly just a reset of the senses and the mind, so that you could overload them the very next day. Madhava and I sat, talking as good friends do, revealing our minds in confidence. The day floated away at a healthy pace.


Saturday 6th, February 2010.
It was late morning and we were not certain whether or not we were going ahead with our harinam today. Finally they made the call and we drove to the city. I wasn’t feeling the nectar of the harinam at first. This was strange because, apart from a few glitches, the tour harinams are constant nectar for me. Today I was in the back and I realized I had to fight for my spot in the centre, where all the holy name action was being played out. I thought I would let someone else feel my bliss but it just seemed to be chaos on the percussion section. I selfishly lodged myself back into my spot, which I stand in ninety percent of the harinams. Brisbane city was really receiving an extra dosage of mercy while the tour was in town.
