Archive for the ‘(2007-2008) The Original Aussie Journey’ Category

[This should make your navigation through the Tour more handy. Hare Krsna]


Sunday 6th, January 2008.
My father drove me down to New Govardhana farm in the morning. The floodwaters had parted but we were not sure for how long. I unlocked my car and gratefully drove it home. It had managed to survive it’s minimal instrumental involvement with the tour, proving to be a great service and a great stress, in only a few days time. Tonight was the last show I would be seeing for this year’s Le Carnaval Spirituel tour. Soon they would be heading off to Brisbane to finish off their tour and I would be heading back to university for study. (more…)
Saturday 5th, January 2008.
The flooding in Murwillumbah was now all over the news. It was declared a natural disaster. What had been a sports field only a few days ago and a mud puddle the day before, was now a lake. We took our boards and pondered our way through the murky waters. After this, I took a walk around town, examining the flood damage. I soon passed a local motel and saw, sitting on the balconies, all the tour devotees. Apparently the motel was an evacuation point and the devotees had been sent there. I invited them down for some board games and Prasadam. They sounded rather eager for the invitation but never ended up coming. (more…)
Friday 4th, January 2008.
The bridge was still well flooded and we were still stuck on the farm but we had ourselves a breakout plan. Abhirama, Dhananjaya and I were going to leave by foot, through the neighbouring property, and my father was going to meet us at the gate. This might have been our last chance because sometimes the floods worsen and you can’t even access the entrance road by car. We hiked our way across the fields as the rain teased us from above. I was so pleased to see my father, and the warmth and shelter of the family car. (more…)
Thursday 3rd, January 2008.
I woke up and drove my car over to New Govardhana for the morning program. I missed the most of it but caught news of a Le Carnaval Spirituel’s ishta gosthi at the Green House (this was a house painted green – originally built for HH Bhavananda Goswami, which later became the brahmacari ashram of New Govardhana). I drove up for the meeting and was amongst two batches of familiar faces – one from my friends in New Govardhana and the others from the troupe. The ishta gosthi was short and it was very sweet. We decided today that we were going to do harinam at Byron Bay, where there was soon going to be another show. We all drove our cars down to the lower lying guest houses, where a bus was going to pick us up to take us to Byron Bay. (more…)
Wednesday 2nd, January 2008.
I was chanting my rounds in the lobby of Sydney temple. All of a sudden I heard a strange noise and water began to flow, like a waterfall, from the ceiling and down the wall. It seemed that a pipe broke in the Sannyasi room shower and now we were getting the remnants. (more…)
Tuesday 1st, January 2008.
We arrived at Sydney temple after our gig at Govinda Valley. We slept a little and awoke for morning class. HH Prabhavisnu Swami gave the Bhagavatam class which was followed by an ecstatic kirtana. HH Janandana Goswami helped serve the devotees Prasadam that morning, which was a blissful but guilty service to appreciate. (more…)
Monday 31st, December 2007.
We did our normal program – had our breakfast and then packed for the road. We were leaving Govinda Valley and it seemed like this time it would be for good. We helped out the local devotees with different tasks, to show some of our deep appreciation. I was lumped into the kitchen, making lumpy guacamole for many munching mouths, while other devotees were doing various cleaning services. Soon after this, we left again for Sydney temple. We quickly crossed the harbour bridge to have a celebratory lunch at Pratapana Prabhu’s house. The menu was simple – pasta, pizza and ice-cream, and a whole lot of it. I don’t think anyone complained… (more…)
Sunday 30th, December 2007.
We had our morning program in Sydney temple. One senior Prabhu from South Africa, who was on the tour, gave class. He drew a flow chart showing the principle of like attracts unlike, mostly in relation with finding ourselves a partner. It was a rather amusing little diagram by the end of his dialogue the whole temple was laughing. There was yet another ecstatic kirtana to add to the mix and we danced enthusiastically with a new crowd of devotees. (more…)
Saturday 29th, December 2007.
The regular program of Govinda Valley was one to be excited about. We had blissful japa in the morning, followed by a nectar class and finished off with an amazing kirtana. We were doing harinams for a couple of days and now we had a day off, because the devotees hadn‘t had sufficient rest since before their Melbourne leg. Everyday seemed to be an adventure though – one day we were at a Sri Vaisnava temple and the next day we were at a Buddhist temple. Today we were going to the beach, a typical Australian experience. (more…)