Posts Tagged ‘Audio Entry’

This is the obscure month of October.  We decided to do it in an audio entry because we are so lazy…

This post is to direct you to multimedia on the site.


[The Won-Durr Boiz said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.]


[We had one day in Radhadesh to recover from our long journey, all soon to head off.]


[The Won-Durr Boiz celebrate Radhastami together (although after such a long journey you could hardly say that we were ‘together’ individually speaking).]


[Flying back to Radhadesh, where we were due to depart in only a few days.]


[The final day of our kirtanas in the hall.]


[The final day of our kirtanas in the hall.]


[The kirtana bliss just didn’t seem to stop!  Please note there is a disclaimer in regards to this audio entry.  I state the wrong month.  It was the first of ‘September’.  My apologies.]


[Today begins our Kirtana-Mela experience.]  (more…)